Monday, September 29, 2008

debbie downer?

I swear I'm not a negative person (most of the time) I just love Gilda Radner and that's the name of her biography. seriously.
Having said that... I'm having a bad day. We've just had company for two months solid and the last person left and I'm a mess. I just had a baby in August and she's wonderful and beautiful and I have a two year old who is imaginative and wonderful and beautiful and I'm home alone with both of them. yikes!
My Dad just left to go home to BC and I had an awesome time with him and now I don't know what to do with myself. It's been a REALLY stressful summer. In-law issues... parent issues... having a new baby... and just dealing with the hand that has been dealt. I know it's nothing in light of all the things that are going on with other friends and loved ones but I think I'm entitled to at least one bad day, right?
Having said that... I am SO blessed. My husband is my best friend and he is the love of my life (how lucky am I to have both in one?) I have two beautiful and healthy daughters... my family is all still living.... I have a house ... a dog... a minivan... could life get any better? I suppose it could if I could just get my spiritual life on track. but that will forever be a work in progress. I am a work in progress.
Anyway... I don't really know what I want to accomplish with this 'blog' but I just thought I'd try it out. seems like the new thing to do.

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