I'm a pirate. Actually J is. She says "arggghhhh... I'm pirate Jovie". oh kids. So being off the meds is a little more difficult than I thought. Getting off them was suck-tastic. I felt like actual garbage for a while. And now I'm feeling all of these things that I didn't feel while I was on them. I think they are called 'emotions'. crazy, eh? yeah I know. I get a lot more frustrated WAY easier than I did before. The kids are at different stages now too. Z is crazy crawling all over the place and J likes to beat the crap out of her little sister. I really wish she would wait until Z can retaliate. Then it would be a little bit more fair. Since I'm so busy with both of them I feel like the house is going by the wayside. for reals, yo. I can't catch up on anything. I think I'll just have to accept that we are going to live in chaos for at least another year and then I can think about getting organized. Suzie Homemaker I am not. Isn't it enough that i'm supermom? B and I are a lot more testy with each other too. just over dumb stuff too. He comes home frustrated from work and then I need to make supper so I hand him the kids and we trade off trying to get stuff done but it never seems to work out so we fall into bed exhausted and we barely get to say how our day was. Praise the Lord for Wednesday nights and in-laws. maybe not seperate but together... well that is a different story. Free babysitting is a pretty beautiful thing.
My parents got remarried. weird but good. I'll write about that another day. I need to make our children clean. and send them off to bed. I really hope and pray that J doesn't decide that 5am is the right time to get up in the morning.
Hi :) I found your blog after doing some blog-hopping while my kids were napping! You are a familiar face from Briercrest, not sure if you'd remember me though!
Anywho, just wanted to drop a note to let you in a life-saver for my family. It's called a slow-cooker :)
There are oodles of easy yummy recipes online. It's great when my hubby gets home, the house smells delicious, dinner is ready, and I'm not frantically trying to cook.
I'm sure the days will go smoother as your girls get older. It's what I keep telling myself...I have two little girls as well :)
Thanks... are you/were you a Dorey? I think your sister was on Whit 3 with me. Thanks for the tips. It's been better with the supper thing:)
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